Organized by Keith A. Buchholz and Picasso Gaglione
with members of the contemporary Fluxus community.
Fluxfest Chicago 2011 on Yoko Ono's Imagine Peace website.
Click to view the entire post.
Documentation for Fluxfest Chicago 2011
Museum of Contemporary Art
February 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20, 2011
Photos, videos, reviews and links
A great review of the entire Fluxfest by Cecil Touchon, one of the major participants
Click graphic above to read this article and to view Cecil's photographs, some of which are also presented below.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 -- 12:31 pm
Museum of Contemporary Art
Guitar Piece 1962
by Robin Page
Performed by Fluxfest participants
Chicago Fluxus Ensemble Simon Anderson and Sally Alatolo
assisted by others
Setting up
Click on any photo to view larger version
A series of performances
Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
Museum of Contemporary Art
All photos here by this man, Reid Wood
Dinner at The Berghoff Restaurant
Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
Thursday, February 17th, 2011
Museum of Contemporary Art
Event Score
Conductor distributes plastic instruments (kazoos).
Performers refrain from playing the instruments.
Performers watch for signals from the conductor.
Performers warm up the instruments for one minute.
Performers perform 4'33".
Performers cool down the instruments for 27 seconds.
Fantasy meets art historical reality in a virtual world.
This is a virtual realization of Fluxus co-founder Al Hansen's unperformed "Happening" called "Car Bibbe II". In it, a free-form performance score calls for three things - the detonation of a Cadillac, ballerinas doing Barre exercises, and maintenance workers to clean it up for the next round. Text generously provided by Al's daughter Bibbe Hansen, Directed by Patrick Lichty and performed by virtual performance group Second Front (w/ Bibbe Hansen).
Friday, February 18th, 2011
Museum of Contemporary Art
We don't have a video of this presentation at Fluxfest 2011, but we do have this video of the same presentation made at the Avant Writing Symposium at The Ohio State University on 21 August 2010.
Some of the photos in the display below are from Wednesday and Sunday sessions, too
Melissa McCarthy
BUNDLING UP for Ginny Lloyd photos Reid Wood
An Allen Bukoff event Calling up the Art Guys and listening to them talk to each other over two mobile phones
Day de Dada Art Nurses Conducting Research
Score Book
Click on graphic above to download your own copy of this scorebook
New York Correspondance School of Chicago Dinner
Exhibition and Gallery Visit -- After dinner at FEED
Sunday, February 20th, 2011 -- 12:33 pm
Museum of Contemporary Art
Cecil Touchon's proposed cover designs for a 2011 Fluxfest Chicago Catalog
If you know of any other video or audio files, photos, or accounts of this 2011 festival that should be included here, please let us know! Email us here.